Smart Home Devices

August 31, 2022

Smart Home Devices

Are you considering introducing smart devices to your home? In this day, and age almost every appliance you have, you could find a “smart” dupe. There are so many options to consider for your home. Let’s go over a few!

Starting small

If this is your first smart home purchase, start small. A mini hub and speaker combo would be a good start. Make sure you like the brand, and quality before making the big purchase. A lot of brands are compatible with each other, so you can mix and match some devices. Next, I would say to try out smart light bulbs, switches, and outlets. All of these devices can connect to your hub, and be controlled by voice control, or by your phone. 

Home Appliances 

Like I said before, almost every home appliance has a “smart” dupe, and I would be lying if I said they didn’t make life easier. Smart refrigerators tell you when your groceries are about to expire, send you virtual grocery lists, and more. Smart vacuums cut down on dust in your home, like a regular vacuum can’t. It cuts down on cleaning time and is great if you have pets, for picking up any shedding. 

Smart doorbells are all the buzz right now, and I can see why. Not only does the doorbell connect to your hub, we were talking about earlier, but it also allows you to see who is at the door whether you’re home, or not. There are even smart stoves! So if you forget to turn the oven off when you were running out the door, you can do it from your smartphone anywhere. 

Smart security system 

Now you might be thinking, do I even need a security system? The answer is yes! Studies show if a burglar sees a security system, they are more likely to pick a different home to break into. While conventional alarm systems do protect your home, smart security can consist of interlinked lights, locks, sensors, cameras, and doorbells, enabling better surveillance and control of your home. Smart home security is even more useful when you’re away. It can detect movement inside of your house, and notify your phone. Are you waiting for a package to arrive? you can see it being delivered, and your smart doorbell will keep an eye on the package until you are home. 

Straight to the point

The point is, that a smart home is a home of convenience. All of these appliances and gadgets are not necessary. However, they sure do make life easier and help you have peace of mind every day.