As old man winter tightens his frosty grip across the land and the fall weather evaporates to a ruddy memory, that is our cue to winterize our homes and equipment in order to stay warm and dry! Below are a few helpful tips on the most important things to consider as the temperatures drop.


                                           December 1st, 2022

As old man winter tightens his frosty grip across the land and the fall weather evaporates to a ruddy memory, that is our cue to winterize our homes and equipment in order to stay warm and dry!  Below are a few helpful tips on the most important things to consider as the temperatures drop.




Although some might think heating should be at the top of the list, we feel that you need to have your pipes squared away first because if the heat goes out before you protect your plumbing, you’ll be in for a wet holiday season!  What happens if your pipes are not able to stay above freezing temperatures is the water expands inside the pipe and the pipe will break.  When the ice in the pipe melts, you’re left with a waterfall and definitely won’t be warm and dry! To minimize this you must ensure your basement areas where plumbing is mostly hidden are also warmed.  It doesn’t need to be the same temperature as the living quarters, but it is recommended to keep the temperature above 50 degrees in those areas to avoid any possibility of an issue.  It is also important to disconnect your hoses from the faucets outside.  This will prevent water freezing in there and causing issues in the spring with your hose bibb.



It would be prudent to get your heating system checked, serviced or cleaned during the fall months in order to stay warm and dry.  This will give you peace of mind knowing your system has been checked and failures during the winter months have been minimized.  If you are in a situation where you need emergency HVAC techs to come assess and repair your heating system, it could be longer than you hoped until they can get on site.  Even then, if something needs to be replaced you will incur high expenses and the time waiting for the new unit may prove to be too overwhelming.  If you have to leave your house to wait, shut the water main valve off and drain all the water lines in the house to prevent the pipes freezing and leaking, while you are warm and dry elsewhere.



As the weather gets cold, our four legged and winged outdoor friends will be looking to stay warm and dry too.  It is important before it gets cold to give a check around your house for any holes or gaps that any critters or insects could crawl into.  This will ensure that you won’t have to deal with a groundhog on Christmas morning and it will also seal up some vulnerable areas; if a rodent can get in, so can the cold air.  So this would also serve to seal up the house and keep the heat on the inside!  We further recommend to cover any hose bibbs to prevent something crawling in there and creating a headache come spring when you want to water those flowers and plants!



Speaking of our home vegetation; it is highly important to think about these living creatures as the cold approaches.  It is suggested to have a plan in place to bring plants and flowers inside for the winter.  A designated area in the home where they can benefit from some sunlight through a window, your watering schedule and bask in the glory of all the holiday scents and sounds!  


2 Chucks and a Truck: Five Reasons You Should Use a General Contractor

Why hire a general contractor for your project when you “know a guy” who can do the work for you cheaper? Below are some of the reasons to always use a knowledgeable, reputable, licensed, and insured general contractor (GC).

2 Chucks and a Truck: Five Reasons You Should Use a General Contractor

November 8, 2022

Home Construction Project

Why hire a general contractor for your project when you “know a guy” who can do the work for you cheaper? Below are some of the reasons to always use a knowledgeable, reputable, licensed, and insured general contractor (GC).


This is usually the very first thing folks think about when deciding whether to dive into a home renovation project. It is a very important piece of the puzzle, and it is imperative that you educate yourself about the labor rates and material prices in your area; however, it is not the biggest consideration. Using price as the main deciding factor for a project could come back to bite you and cost more in the end, whether it is money or frustration/energy.


High on any list will be workmanship! This is arguably the most important thing to consider.  A quality job won’t be cheap, but it will be something you can use for a long time and take pride in the fact you chose a great GC. Taking the time to make sure the job is done properly and to code reflects on the GC’s core values and how they carry themselves. Customers should definitely do their research before selecting a contractor and verify their previous work, check BBB ratings, company reviews, and word of mouth.

Warranty Issues

Imagine getting a decent job done for extra cheap but it fails within a year or two. Then, when you try to contact the “guy who did it”, you can’t get a hold of them. This is quite common in the industry as most construction companies don’t last two years, and of the ones that last two years, even less make it to five years. It is important to consider this when deciding to hire someone for a project. You want someone who will stand behind their work and take care of you even after the warranty period expires.


Comportment on the job site is one of the most underrated and under discussed qualities in the construction industry. Things like showing up on time, cleanliness, solution based communication, straight forward invoicing, and overall reliability are not easy to find.  It doesn’t take long for someone to tell the difference between a professional and a charlatan in this industry. The time must be taken to verify these aspects before choosing to hire someone for a home project. Problems will always come up; how committed is your GC to remaining professional, calm and coming up with the best solution while communicating well?


Typically, this is the last thing on people’s minds!  But it should be the very first thing you consider, especially when you are tackling a moderate to large sized project ($2,500 and up).  Anyone you allow to work on your home in a construction capacity should have at least $1 million in general liability insurance. If a tradesman without general liability insurance falls off your roof, it could become a homeowners insurance claim-nightmare scenario.  Hiring a GC who is insured well, preferably with $2 million in coverage, is worth its weight in black market uranium.  This really protects the homeowner from any liability, legal, or financial burdens that may result from an accident on your home project.  

October Employee Spotlight: Eric Posch

This month, we are spotlighting our job manager, Travis Dickman! We asked Travis a few questions about what he enjoys doing both at home and at the office.

October Employee Spotlight: Eric Posch

October, 5 2022

BLM Employee Eric Posch

This month, we are spotlighting our Pre-Construction Manager Eric Posch! We asked Eric a few questions about what he enjoys doing both at home and in the office. Here’s what he had to say:

What do you like most about your job?
I enjoy the numerous opportunities to grow and learn new skills.

What is one quality that sets BLM Construction apart from competitors?
The team environment. Help with tasks is always one request away!

What have you gained from working at BLM?
I have gained a greater knowledge of the construction industry, and an environment that promotes growth both professionally and personally. 

What are your hobbies?
Exploring new things to learn, and pursuing my interests. 

What is at the top of your bucket list?
Being more adventurous. 

Where is your favorite place to go in York, PA?
Moonlight café and Mack’s. 

Inflationary Times

Inflationary Times

September 30, 2022

Inflationary Times

There has never been more uncertainty over cost of goods in the construction industry until the last few years!  Anyone conducting business in any industry has felt the sting of inflation.  For those in the trenches, this feels like the new norm and educating customers on the costs of goods and services has become paramount!

When people think of inflation as it pertains to construction, they’re minds immediately go to the cost of building materials such as lumber, metal studs, shingles, appliances, hardware and doors!  Those are definitely not to be forgotten, but that is not the only item’s inflation effects.  As those of us in construction have seen, the cost of everything has been affected by inflation all the way down to your liability insurance policy, utility bills and rent/mortgage!  

It is important to keep in mind the other increases in cost that may affect the cost of goods to the customer; such as, gas for company vehicles, office supplies/equipment, ongoing training and the cost of software to organize your company!  All of these factors add up to a higher cost of doing business, which means the cost to the customer is also higher!  

One of the biggest problems with inflation for contractors has been supply and demand; certain materials are not available or have very long lead times.  This can lead to unhappy customers due projects taking longer than expected.  Furthermore, when thinking about your estimate, it could take longer for the company to get that to you as they await pricing back for longer lead time items. 

If you are looking to get a home improvement project started, please keep these things in mind when dealing with your contractor!  He or she is not trying to “gouge” or “fleece” anyone, they are simply shifting with the tides of inflation to keep their fully licensed and insured business afloat.  They are likely feeling the crunch as well while trying to make their customer happy and apply their skill to ensure an excellent product.

In summary, the old adage rings true; “If you want it to be done right, it can’t be done cheap?” When dealing with your contractor please extend grace and patience as they wade through the uncertainty of inflation while trying to provide good customer service.  We here at BLM strive to be the builder of choice for value minded clients and high performing employees while trying to keep our prices reasonable, our communication excellent and our quality and execution top notch! 

Decorating For Fall 2022

September 7th, 2022


Fall is the time of year that shows us, that it’s okay to let go. Let go of the summer sun, swimming and tanning. It’s time to welcome in comfy knit sweaters, pumpkins, and fall football. 

Where Do I Start?

If you’re like me you cannot wait to break out the pumpkins. However, it can be overwhelming thinking of décor for every room in your home. So start small. Add a chunky knit throw to the couch, or accent chair. Update your throw pillows, and add a cozy rug to keep your toes warm for the months to come. 

Living Room Ideas 

Break out the natural wood furniture. You don’t need to update your whole living room to do this. Add a side table and a dough bowl candle. Look at that you’re all set with natural wood elements now! Rustic is always in for fall, take a trip to the thrift store to pick out the antique amber glass, and soy candles. As the day gets shorter, adding accent lighting is a big part of making your space cozy. If you open your window a crack, with a fall candle burning the combination can’t be beaten! 

Kitchen Inspiration 

Break out the copper pots, and pans. Don’t forget the skillet! Copper brings warmth to a kitchen, and will come in handy to make a simmering pot. Fall is also a good time to unpack the fine china. Setting the table, with a beautiful centerpiece can add a lot to a space that isn’t too open to change. A homemade centerpiece can be created to match the style of your home completely. I like to add dried flowers, fruit, and terracotta pumpkins to my centerpieces for fall. 

Bedroom Comfort 

Now the bedroom is a room you want to make overly comfy, but not excessively crowded. Switch out your current quilt for not one, but two duvets. This will make your bedding look fluffier, and keep you warm this fall. Incorporate a blend of linen, cotton, and knit into your bedding for an effortless, but beautifully put-together look. 

Warming up your Bathroom

I love fall, the cold breeze, the orange leaves, everything. However, a cold bathroom is not my favorite. Fall is the perfect time to take relaxing baths. Adding a towel warmer might seem unnecessary, but you would be amazed how much it helps in the fall, and winter months.  Once you try one out I promise you’ll never use a cold towel again. 

Back to décor! Bring in amber jars for storage, this tinted glass brings a lot of warmth, and character with it. They are the perfect storage solution for bath salts, bath bombs, Q-tips, and more! You can even pop a few dried flowers in an amber jar for a floral touch. 

Your Home

However, you choose to decorate this fall, remember it’s your home. I hope this season is full of cozy blankets, and the warmth of a fireplace for you.  

September Employee Spotlight: Angela Pequignot

This month, we are spotlighting our job manager, Travis Dickman! We asked Travis a few questions about what he enjoys doing both at home and at the office.

September Employee Spotlight: Angela Pequignot

September 5th, 2022

BLM Employee Angela Pequignot

This month, we are spotlighting our controller, Angela Pequignot! We asked Angie a few questions about what she enjoys doing both at home and at the office. Here’s what she had to say:

What do you like most about your job?
The people. The atmosphere is so positive and light. 

What is one quality that sets BLM Construction apart from competitors?
Putting customers needs as a top priority.

What have you gained from working at BLM?

What are your hobbies?
 I like spending time at my beach house, cabin, camping, spending time with family, and watching my kids compete in sports. 

What is at the top of your bucket list?
Travel. Anywhere!

Where is your favorite place to go in York, PA?
My house, when my kids and hubby are home.

Smart Home Devices

Smart Home Devices

August 31, 2022

Smart Home Devices

Are you considering introducing smart devices to your home? In this day, and age almost every appliance you have, you could find a “smart” dupe. There are so many options to consider for your home. Let’s go over a few!

Starting small

If this is your first smart home purchase, start small. A mini hub and speaker combo would be a good start. Make sure you like the brand, and quality before making the big purchase. A lot of brands are compatible with each other, so you can mix and match some devices. Next, I would say to try out smart light bulbs, switches, and outlets. All of these devices can connect to your hub, and be controlled by voice control, or by your phone. 

Home Appliances 

Like I said before, almost every home appliance has a “smart” dupe, and I would be lying if I said they didn’t make life easier. Smart refrigerators tell you when your groceries are about to expire, send you virtual grocery lists, and more. Smart vacuums cut down on dust in your home, like a regular vacuum can’t. It cuts down on cleaning time and is great if you have pets, for picking up any shedding. 

Smart doorbells are all the buzz right now, and I can see why. Not only does the doorbell connect to your hub, we were talking about earlier, but it also allows you to see who is at the door whether you’re home, or not. There are even smart stoves! So if you forget to turn the oven off when you were running out the door, you can do it from your smartphone anywhere. 

Smart security system 

Now you might be thinking, do I even need a security system? The answer is yes! Studies show if a burglar sees a security system, they are more likely to pick a different home to break into. While conventional alarm systems do protect your home, smart security can consist of interlinked lights, locks, sensors, cameras, and doorbells, enabling better surveillance and control of your home. Smart home security is even more useful when you’re away. It can detect movement inside of your house, and notify your phone. Are you waiting for a package to arrive? you can see it being delivered, and your smart doorbell will keep an eye on the package until you are home. 

Straight to the point

The point is, that a smart home is a home of convenience. All of these appliances and gadgets are not necessary. However, they sure do make life easier and help you have peace of mind every day.  

Three Reasons To Hire A General Contractor

Three Reasons To Hire A General Contractor

August 10th 2022


Are you thinking about hiring a general contractor? Maybe I can help you decide. Here are three reasons why you SHOULD hire a general contractor.

Time Is Money.

I think we can all agree that these two go hand in hand. Hiring a General Contractor could save you a lot of both. General Contractors can often get you a better price on supplies needed for whatever project you’re thinking about taking on. They also have all the necessary contacts in their books, anywhere from electricians, to painters to interior designers, ready to make your vision come true. 

Having The Work Done Right The First Time.  

Even the handiest DIY-ers know when to put the hammer down and call the professions. Not only do General Contractors have a handful and a half of skills, but they also have years of experience with jobs like yours. They know what materials will hold up the best and how to make your vision for your space come true.

 Home Life Balance.

I don’t know about you, but the last thing I want to do when I get off work is work. You’re clocked out and ready to relax. The last thing anyone wants to do is a crazy DIY or manage a project after a long day at work. A general contractor’s main strength is management. They manage material deliveries, hire the best and fastest subcontractors, AND they oversee the whole project.  

August Employee Spotlight: Travis Dickman

This month, we are spotlighting our job manager, Travis Dickman! We asked Travis a few questions about what he enjoys doing both at home and at the office.

August Employee Spotlight: Travis Dickman

July 29, 2022

This month, we are spotlighting our carpenter, Travis Dickman! We asked Travis a few questions about what he enjoys doing both at home and at the office. Here’s what he had to say:

What do you like most about your job?
Working with my hands to make something nice!

What is one quality that sets BLM Construction apart from competitors?
Loyalty to finish the job doing whatever it takes and loyalty to their employees.

What have you gained from working at BLM?
Great management. 

What are your hobbies?
Spending time with my two kids, fishing, and working on my house.

What is at the top of your bucket list?
To make it out of the country for a holiday.

Where is your favorite place to go in York, PA?
Lake Redman

Patio Planning: A Step-by-Step Process to Creating a Stunning Outdoor Space (Part 1)

If you’re looking to upgrade your outdoor space with a new patio, there is a lot to consider before starting. Here is part one of our step-by-step guide to planning the perfect patio space for your home and lifestyle.

Patio Planning: A Step-by-Step Process to Creating a Stunning Outdoor Space (Part 1)

July 13, 2022

Rear Covered Patio

If you’re looking to upgrade your outdoor space with a new patio, there is a lot to consider before starting. Here is part one of our step-by-step guide to planning the perfect patio space for your home and lifestyle:

Step 1: Figure Out a Purpose

The very first element to think about when planning how you want your patio to be designed is function. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How do you want the patio to be used? 
  2. Who will be using the patio?
  3. How many people will likely be using the patio at once?
  4. Do you want to entertain?
  5. Do you want a space to cook outside?
  6. Shade, sun, or somewhere in between?
  7. Will you want privacy?
  8. Will it be a gathering place or a getaway?

Once you know how the space will be used, you can determine the location, size, and shape of the patio. This can also help you decide if you will want any personalized touches, such as a privacy fence, outdoor kitchen, fire pit or fireplace, pergola, roof, exterior lighting, bar, or other features.

Step 2: Pick a Location

The location of your patio is key. If entertaining and gathering is important to your “why”, you will want your patio accessible from your kitchen if possible. This will make cooking and dining more convenient. If you want a getaway feel, a remote patio may be a better option, especially if you want a secluded place to read and relax away from any noise. 

Another element to consider when determining a location is the fire pit. It’s a general rule of thumb to place a fire pit at least 10 ft. from any structure, including your home, overhead tree branches, and sheds, so your patio needs to be designed accordingly if a fire pit is at the top of your priority list.

Step 3: Determine Size and Shape

While there’s no set size to how big or small a patio should be, it should be designed in proportion with the home if possible. The size ultimately depends on the number of people who will be using it at once and how the space will be used. The shape itself can also be based on “zones”. If you want a zone for a kitchen and another for lounging or dining, plan for those zones ahead of time and shape the patio accordingly.

For more patio planning tips, stay tuned for part two! We will discuss materials, implementation, and decorating.